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heads up to #Geminauts:
search service geminispace.info will go down on 1st June 2024.

The current VPS contract will end at this day and i decided not to renew.
It was an interesting journey the last 3 years, but life has changed since then and it's time for me to move on.

Maybe i'll reuse the domain for other gemini related stuff in the future, but for the moment i decided to take a break in hosting a gemini service.


teilten dies erneut

Als Antwort auf rwa

I will setup a temporary page with a list of alternative search providers for the time being.
Als Antwort auf rwa

Thank you for providing this service for three years. Are you going to provide a download of the current state of the search engine (source, tooling, database) in case someone else wants to take over?
Als Antwort auf rwa

Sad news, but life can suxx, sometimes…

Thank you for running one of the (the?) very first Gemini search engines! Even if others exist now, it will be missed.

Just for my archive and to not let it disappear without a trace, I have archived a local copy of the relevant pages.